Work-Life Balance Coaching
How many of us feel that we lead a BALANCED LIFE?
A life in which everyone gets the attention they deserve: our business partners, our children, our work, our friends, we ourselves. The day would have to be 48 hours long to attend to everything and everyone as they deserve...
Not only do executives in leadership positions have this perception, so too does the entire population.
The hours we spend in the office are simply not enough to cope with the workload. We need compensation. The time we spend doing sports keeps us away from the family. What about our training? Then we cannot hang out with our friends. We end up with the feeling that we are fighting a losing battle.
Work-Life Balance Coaching does not just deal with stress which, as we know, can be negative or positive, but also the following questions:
[list][*]Recognize everyday processes in our private and working life
[*]Our role in these processes
[*]Analyse efforts/benefit
[*]Define and communicate priorities
[*]Learn to close deals (with ourselves and with others)
[*]Establish and maintain habits[/list]
Recover control of our lives and gain in quality of life.
And last, but not least, avoid burn-out. In this regard, Work-Life Balance Coaching is a very important preventive measure in health.