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Kinds of Coaching > Intensive Coaching

Intensive Coaching

Intensive Coaching can work on a specific and clear goal or desire, when there is a pressing need to find points of departure. In three or four hours it is often possible to find ways of resolving certain situations (decisions, conflicts, breakdowns in communication, etc.). Intensive Coaching can also be performed in two to four days. In this case it is particularly advisable for the coachee to get away from their usual setting. Coaching sessions (two or three hours a day at most) can be alternated with relaxation phases. We recommend this type of coaching in Oldenburg/Germany or Majorca and in Barcelona, depending on where the Client is from and their possibilities.

claudia casademunt
mail cc@claudia-casademunt.com

Home Claudia Casademunt What is Coaching? Kinds of Coaching My service Interesting aspects Work together
Contents and methods
Individual Coaching
Team Coaching
Business Development Coaching
Development-oriented Coaching - Life Coaching
Personal Coaching - Life Coaching
Intensive Coaching
Intercultural Coaching
Work-Life Balance Coaching
Relational Coaching
Time Management Coaching
Coach in Company
Coach for Managers
Coach for private clients
PAPI personality test
360° Feedforward
Systemic constellations
Coaching Barcelona – Majorca – Oldenburg
General Conditions
Barcelona | Mallorca | Oldenburg
claudia casademunt
schlossplatz 13 | 26122 oldenburg | telefon +49 441 40596600 | mobil +49 157 73989945 | telefon es +34 609 342022
mail cc@claudia-casademunt.com